Wednesday, December 19, 2012

15 months old

I find myself saying this all the time, but I can't believe how fast Rylee is growing up!  We have decided we no longer have a baby, we have a talkative little person who thinks she runs the show.  She has become so much fun and we truly love every second we have with her.  She talks NON-STOP and I can't even keep up with all the words she knows and she will try to repeat almost everything she hears.  Right now she loves to say "hello" and hold anything that resembles a phone up to her ear and then say "bye bye".  Another thing that I still need to get on video but as soon as I get the camera out she stops.  She will tell us something and then start to laugh hysterically, then get serious and tell us something else, then laugh and repeats this like 5-6 times.  Ryan says she's telling jokes.  She loves to tell people "hi" and wave and then say bye, most of the time after they have already gone away.  She seems to be a hit everywhere we go.  I feel so lost when I so somewhere without her, no one ever talks to me haha

At her 15mo check up she weighed in at 22.5 pounds (65%) was 32 inches tall (92%) and has a head circumference of 18.5 inches (80%).  She did NOTTTTTT like the Dr's office.  I think she is starting to figure it out and that every time we go in there she gets shot(s).  Poor thing.  She pretty much screamed the whole time we were there, and was not having any part of sitting on the examining table.  Good thing daddy was there to provide lots of loves and cuddles.  Our battle will begin (i'm thinking around the first of the year) with her nighttime bottle and pacifier to sleep habit.  Now that she has all her front teeth and is starting on her back teeth it's time to see them go.  This should be an interesting task, wish us luck!

Rylee has become very lovey lately which dad and I agree is the best thing ever!  She likes to give hugs and will pat us on the back or on the arm.  In the morning when we go to get her up we almost always get big hugs.  We still have to ask for kisses and when she is in the mood will give out lots!  There is the occasional random kiss every once in a while which just melts my heart.  We just can't get enough of this girl!

1 comment:

  1. Ahhh, she's so cute! Good luck taking away the nighttime bottle/pacifier. I stressed SO much in advance about those battles, and then they ended up not being a big deal at all - so hopefully that's your experience too! :)
